Electric Vs Gas Tankless Water Heater – Which One is Better?

electric vs gas tankless water heater

Choosing the right water heater for your home involves considering multiple factors and the two most common options are electric tankless water heaters and gas tankless water heaters. But when we delve into their core features, it compels us to choose the one that caters to our needs on various preferences.

But before moving toward the electric vs. gas Tankless Water Heater deep comparison, we would like to tell you the main difference between them. So, the main difference between them lies in the energy source they use to heat water. Electric tankless water heaters rely on electricity, while gas tankless water heaters utilize natural gas or propane.

Here are the 3 pre-factors that you must consider while choosing a tankless water heater:

  • Check the groundwater temperature in your area.
  • Explore the range of utility services catering to your home.
  • Understand the water flow needs specific to your household.

Finally, if you’re about to buy a tankless water heater, this guide will not only make you able to make the right decision but also provide comprehensive knowledge about these two heaters. We would like to emphasize that you should stay in touch with us until the final word. So, let’s begin. Additionally, we have published an article comparing the Chevy Bolt EV vs. EUV. If you are interested, click here.

Electric Vs Gas Tankless Water Heater – Table Overview

FeaturesGas Tankless Water HeaterWater Tankless Water Heater
EfficiencyVariable, affected by venting and combustion air requirementsHigh
PerformanceSuitable for high-demand householdsSuitable for moderate demand
InstallationMore complex, and requires proper ventilationEasy and flexible
SpaceLarger footprintCompact
Operating CostsHigher upfront costs, potential long-term savings in areas with lower natural gas pricesGenerally lower

Electric Vs Gas Tankless Hot Water Heater – Overview 2024

Gas Tankless Water Heater 

When comparing electric vs gas tankless water heaters, it’s worth noting that gas models are recognized for their enhanced efficiency and consistent hot water delivery. This often results in them being more cost-effective compared to their electric counterparts. Particularly if you have a high demand for hot water, a gas heater might outperform an electric one as it tends to convert energy into heat more efficiently.

Nevertheless, it’s essential to consider that installing gas tankless heaters can be more intricate. They necessitate gas supply lines and require proper venting for exhaust. Additionally, the initial cost of these heaters is relatively higher, and they leave a more considerable environmental footprint. Furthermore, gas tankless water heaters generally demand more maintenance than their electric counterparts.

Electric Tankless Water Heater

An electric tankless water heater stands out as a great choice, especially if your hot water needs are not extensive. It proves to be an ideal option for houses with limited space due to its compact size and versatile installation options. What adds to its appeal is that it comes at a more budget-friendly price point compared to its gas counterparts.

However, it’s essential to note that electric tankless water heaters might face challenges when dealing with simultaneous high-demand usage from multiple major appliances. Additionally, these heaters generally have a lower flow rate compared to their gas counterparts. Before making the switch, keep in mind that your electrical system may require an upgrade to effectively support such an appliance.

Electric Tankless Water Heater Vs Gas Tankless Water Heater – Considering Factors

You must consider these factors while choosing between an Electric vs. Gas Tankless Water Heater:

  • Energy Cost: It’s crucial to factor in the current and expected expenses for gas and electricity when weighing the overall cost-effectiveness of tankless water heaters over the long term.
  • Hot Water Demand: Take into account your household’s hot water demands and ensure that the new tankless water heater can adequately meet those needs. If your demand is high, a gas tankless water heater might be the most suitable choice.
  • Installation Cost: The transition from an electric to a gas tankless water heater, or vice versa, involves installing new gas or electrical lines, impacting the overall switch cost. Hence, it’s important to factor in installation costs and any required upgrades to your existing gas or electrical system.
  • Venting: Note that gas tankless water heaters need venting, unlike electric ones. This is a significant consideration during a switch, as installing a venting system can contribute to the overall cost.
  • Maintenance: Keep in mind that gas tankless water heaters generally demand more maintenance compared to their electric counterparts. Therefore, weigh the maintenance requirements and associated costs when contemplating the switch.

Pros and Cons of Electric Vs Gas Tankless Water Heater

Here are some pros and cons of Electric Tankless Water Heaters vs. Gas Tankless Water Heater:

Pros Of Electric Heater

  • Easy Installation

Electric tankless water heaters are generally easier to install compared to their gas counterparts. They don’t require venting, making the installation process more straightforward.

  • Compact Design

These units are often more compact, taking up less space compared to gas tankless water heaters. This is advantageous for homes with limited space.

  • Generally Lower Operating Costs

Electric tankless water heaters tend to have lower operating costs. They are more energy-efficient, resulting in savings on energy bills over time.

Cons of Electric Heater

  • Limited Flow Rates

One of the drawbacks is that electric tankless water heaters may have limited flow rates, which means they may struggle to keep up with the hot water demand in high-demand situations, especially in larger households.

Pros of Gas Heater

  • High Flow Rates

Gas tankless water heaters are known for their high flow rates, making them suitable for larger households with a higher demand for hot water. They can provide a continuous supply of hot water to multiple fixtures simultaneously.

  • Suitable for Larger Households

Due to their higher capacity and flow rates, gas tankless water heaters are well-suited for larger households where hot water demand is substantial.

Cons of Electric Heater

  • More Complex Installation

Gas tankless water heaters require proper ventilation and a more intricate installation process, which can add complexity and cost to the setup.

Electric Vs Gas Tankless Water Heater Costs

Electric Tankless Water Heaters come with a price range of $400 to $2,500 when excluding installation expenses. If you decide to include installation costs, the overall investment may vary between $1,800 and $7,200.

On the other hand, Gas Tankless Water Heaters are priced between $1,200 and $2,900 before factoring in installation charges. Including installation in the equation, the total cost for gas tankless water heaters can fluctuate between $4,800 and $8,500.


Gas Tankless Water Heater is more expensive than Electric Tankless Water Heater while electric heater is easier to install than gas heater, so in short, it totally depends on your needs and preferences.

Generally, yes. Electric units are often more energy-efficient, resulting in lower operating costs.

Personal Thoughts

In the guide on electric vs. gas tankless water heaters, we’ve covered all the aspects such as costs, efficiency, installation, and many others. When it comes to this question of which one is the best option for you, we’re unable to answer this query, because it totally depends on a person’s needs. In short, if you’ve unclear thoughts, don’t hesitate to share your query with us.

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