10 Acceptable Reasons for Late Rent Payments

acceptable reasons for late rent payments

Every landlord wants to keep financial transactions smooth and clear with his rentee, but it’s hard from the side of renters. Therefore, in some situations, the house owner has to be strict but sometimes tenants could be in difficulty and he may have some acceptable reasons.

Here we’re gonna share some 10 acceptable reasons for late rent payments, so as a landlord, you must be polite with your tenants, having these reasons.

  1. Death of someone special
  2. Travel-related delays
  3. Unbearable medical bills
  4. Major vehicle accident
  5. Jobless
  6. Bank delays and errors
  7. Failure to fulfill owner responsibilities
  8. Natural disaster
  9. Legal disputes
  10. Mistakes and oversights

If your tenant is facing these issues, you must be courteous, because these situations are usually not in the hands of any person. Hence, if you’re facing late rent payment issues, this guide is especially for you to decide whether it’s time to be polite or to be strict.

10 Acceptable Reasons for Late Rent Payments

Here are 10 acceptable reasons for late rent payments that you must read:

1. Death of Someone Special

In the unfortunate event of a loved one’s passing, it’s understandable that a tenant may face challenges in meeting rent deadlines. The emotional and financial toll, particularly after the death of a parent or family member, is significant. Funerals, averaging between $7,000 and $12,000 in the U.S., can impose a substantial burden on individuals.

During such trying times, property owners are encouraged to show empathy by providing tenants with the space to navigate through their grief and readjust to their daily routines.

2. Travel-related Delays

Travel should not hinder a renter’s rent payment, provided they can make online payments through a rent collection platform. However, if a tenant typically pays in cash, payment may experience delays when either you or the tenant is away. In such instances, you must wait until both parties are in the same location to facilitate payment.

During these circumstances, it’s advisable to communicate with your tenant, informing them that their rent hasn’t been deposited. Recognize that, due to their travel, they may not respond promptly. Show flexibility in these situations to prevent potential misunderstandings.

3. Unbearable Medical Bills

In the year 2021, approximately 300 million Americans maintained some form of medical coverage. Presently, this signifies that 30 million Americans lack any medical insurance, leaving them vulnerable to significant healthcare expenses. Even individuals with insurance may encounter substantial medical bills despite their coverage.

Should a tenant face illness necessitating extensive care, a significant portion of their monthly income may need to be reallocated to cover medical expenses. Consequently, the tenant is likely to encounter challenges in meeting their other financial commitments.

4. Major Vehicle Accident

In the aftermath of a serious car accident, tenants may grapple with the financial fallout of costly car repairs and medical expenses, potentially leading to delays in rental payments. For tenants, maintaining timely payments for rent, transportation, and essential expenses like food is paramount.

A car rendered inoperable or undergoing prolonged repairs can jeopardize job stability, as reliable transportation is often crucial for commuting. While flexibility and understanding are essential post-accident, it’s equally important to discuss a plan for preventing future late rent payments.

Engaging in ongoing conversations with tenants about their evolving circumstances helps foster a supportive environment and ensures continued income stability.

5. Jobless

acceptable reasons for late rent payments 2
Photo by Nathan Cowley: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-in-blue-and-brown-plaid-dress-shirt-touching-his-hair-897817/

An additional significant factor leading to tenants falling behind on rent is the unfortunate loss of employment or a primary income stream. Despite financial advisors recommending a safety net of 3-6 months’ worth of living expenses, a substantial 61% of Americans find themselves living paycheck to paycheck.

This precarious financial position implies that if paychecks suddenly cease, tenants may encounter challenges in meeting their rent obligations promptly.

Considering a tenant’s financial commitments, they might defer the payment of rent for a month or even longer. While it’s crucial to approach such situations with empathy, a continuous lapse in rent payments over several months can pose financial hardships for you as a property owner. 

6. Bank Delays and Errors

Tenants may encounter challenges related to banking errors or payment processing systems, leading to delays in payments. Issues like delayed deposits or lost checks can pose difficulties in making timely payments.

While these matters typically get resolved within a week or two, the intricacies of banking systems and operations contribute to the brief delay in processing.

7. Failure to Fulfill Owner Responsibilities

Delayed rent payments may not always stem from the tenant’s actions; at times, the landlord bears responsibility for such delays. For instance, if a landlord neglects to provide advance notice or address essential repairs promptly, it can result in tardy rent payments.

Therefore, it’s crucial to consider these factors when evaluating the reasons behind late payments.

8. Natural Disaster

It’s one of the common reasons from the 10 acceptable reasons for late rent payments. In the face of a natural disaster or extreme weather conditions, like a hurricane, earthquake, or flood, a tenant might have to allocate funds toward necessary repairs or temporary accommodation.

This shift in financial priorities can potentially hinder the tenant’s ability to meet their rent obligations promptly.

9. Legal Disputes

Ongoing legal disagreements between tenants and landlords can really hit tenants in the wallet. These legal battles tend to bring about unexpected expenses, throwing a wrench into a tenant’s ability to keep up with their usual rent payment schedule. It’s a tough situation that can strain the tenant’s finances.

10. Mistakes and Oversights

Amid the chaos of daily life, tenants might sometimes forget or miss the rent due date. These lapses are usually unintentional and can easily be addressed with a gentle reminder from the landlord.

Managing Late Rent Payments [Tips of Landlords]

Here are 4 tips on managing late rent payments:

  1. In the event of a late rent payment, initiate communication promptly. Reach out to the tenant to discuss the reasons behind the delay and establish a clear timeline for payment.
  2. If the renter provides a valid reason for the delay, consider offering a grace period. This allows them additional time to catch up on payments without incurring penalties.
  3. If your lease agreement permits the imposition of late payments, assess them according to the stipulations in the lease. Communicate the outstanding dues, including any applicable late fees.
  4. If the renter is unable to pay the full amount at once, explore the option of setting up a reasonable payment plan. This allows them to make gradual payments over an agreed-upon period.


One of the best options is to send a late rent notice to the tenant.

No, the tenant has to pay rent before attending or enjoying parties; otherwise, you can read our guide on acceptable reasons for late rent payment to know late suitable rent payment reasons.


In the guide on acceptable reasons for late rent payments, we’ve mentioned 10 acceptable reasons that every tenant usually faces. Due to these reasons, every landlord has to bear late rent issues. In short, if you find any queries unclear to you, you can contact us using the comment section.

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